Nina Tokhtaman Valetova – Solar Wind

When I was 12 years old, unexpectedly, the dreams I held from an early age of becoming an artist started to come true. I studied art and art history at art school and progressed onto university to gain a Masters in art.
Since the age of six, I had a keen interest in the Space and the Universe. I remember imaging the infinity of the cosmos, its millions of planets and stars, and thinking about how the universe was created and what was before its emergence. I grew up in an unreligious environment, and my knowledge of the universe came from a more scientific background, so when I got to art school, I enjoyed studying art history, and in particular, about ancient myths and religion in art.
My painting, “Solar Wind”, expresses several concepts linked to the enormous energy of the Sun.
The sun gives energy and sustains life on Earth, but the enormous energy of the Sun also has a destructive force. The solar wind pervades everything on Earth. The painting “Solar Wind ” was created with the purpose of expressing this idea.
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Above: Venus – Nina Tokhtaman Valetova-wide