This is the online display of an exhibition running Thursday 13th – 31st July, at Alchemi Cafe, Cusco, Peru. 26 images of Cusco by Matt Witt.
Canciones de mi corazón
A collection of Cusco Watercolours created in May – June 2017
During a 4 month period holed up in the semi-wilderness of Urubamba in the Sacred Valley of Peru, I visited the city of Cusco for the first time in May 2017. I was immediately drawn to paint my surroundings. After a short stay in the city, in which I created six pieces, a series called “Cusco from my window”, I was presented with the opportunity to live in Cusco, leading to a further prolonged study throughout June. Without thinking too much about it I have painted constantly for two months, captivated by the city, the Sacred valley, the Apus, landscapes and the curanderos I encountered along the way.
Over seen by Apu Ausangate, the city demands an attention and respect, as if there is an ongoing conversation between person and place. During my 2 month affair with Cusco I have felt in one moment like a lamb lost in a labyrinth and in the next moment a man of a myth, leaping towards horizons beyond horizons. In one breath i have felt utterly vulnerable and in the next, cradled, cared for and respected in return. It is these extremes that I attempt to capture in this series, a contradictory, layered, paradoxical place portrayed in a contradictory, layered medium; both soft and powerful, nurturing and punishing, workable, but with a strong mind of its own.
The energy I have sacrificed in the creation of these images, and the resulting works, I offer to pachamama in return for what Peru, Cusco and the Sacred Valley has given to me over the past 6 months; opportunities to learn, to love and to grow. This visit to Peru has altered my operating system, slightly tweaking my orientation. It has quenched my thirst for novelty and newness, as well as for tradition and knowledge on this never ending path of learning and opening.
Originals are available to purchase. Prints will be available soon. To enquire or order prints, please contact Matt: | Whatsapp: +66 86453 3282