Tag / Myth

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  • Silent Cacophony - Sarah Nabarro

    Sarah Nabarro – Drawing on Myth

    I have always drawn on myth in my work. In the early days, I used mythical archetypes to tell my own story – to work through and come to new understandings about…
  • Protoformic Landscape - Conor Fagan

    Conor Fagan

    I'm an Artist currently residing in Roswell, New Mexico. I'm about 9 months into a 12-month residency here at the Roswell Artist in Residency. I've just had my solo opening at the…
  • Three - Plant Life - Scissor Snaps

    Sophie Shaw aka Scissor Snaps – Character Studies in Plant Life

    When images or stories capture archetypes they resonate deeply with us - in the same way as we just know when we hear if something's grammatically wrong even if we can’t articulate…
  • Macrocosmica - Erin MacAirt

    Erin MacAirt – Macrocosmic

    Macrocosmica - Erin MacAirt An image is a story that invites the viewer to create and imagine their own narrative. I like to think that when a viewer looks at my work…
  • Rawan Adwan – An introduction to Safaitic Art

    #7: Myth – An edition dedicated to the investigation of Myth. With art, writing and illustrations from contributors working in the archetypal realms.

  • Jodie Day – Sacred Cuts

    What ‘Myth’ means to me and its relationship with my creative practice. Myths to me, serve as mystical stories, the origins of which are not entirely known, so therefore, can be deemed as…
  • Joey Greenstone - Jaguar

    Joey Greenstone

    Joey lives in Peru and works with the indigenous healing and ceremonial practices of South America.  This is a design inspired by the ancient and sacred site Chavin de Huantar, Perú. Original name…
  • Maximilian Meets Mr Death - Salvador Campos

    Salvador Campos

    I have been reading myths since childhood. The theme of "myths" is a great idea. Myths serve several functions: to explain how things came to be, to teach lessons or values, to unify a group…
  • Joseph Whitney – Trollmors Vuggesang

    "Trollmors Vuggesang" - A traditional Norwegian/ Swedish folksong.  This mysterious and intriguing submission is a short video based on a Norwegian nursery Rhyme, Trollmors Vussegang, which vaguely translates as Troll Mother's song.…
  • Julian .F. Woodford – The Bagpipe Maker’s Baby

    The Bagpipe Maker's Baby: Running time: 37 mins A short film fairy tale; a magical story with a realist flavour. The Bagpipe Maker’s Baby is the tale of a man who is asked by…
  • Matt Witt – The Mythical Ship

    Words and Illustration and song by Matt Witt Plus Illustration by Daria H. As a human born of a seafaring island, images and experiences of the ocean have featured prominently throughout my…