Katherine Nilsen – A Public Service Announcement from the Universe
I first discovered synchronistic patterns when I began traveling the world as a youth, and now I hope to bring this into my career because I can no longer ignore the subtext of my observations. Recent life-events have led me to my own catharsis and I’ve journeyed from traditional film-student-to-be to a prospector of chance, operating solely upon intuition.
Upon exercising my experimental freedom as a freethinking documentarian, I’ve now adapted to my role as a passive observer intending to weave reflections of authentic reality as they are presented directly from the Universe. Naturally it’s taken some experimentation, and this video submission is my very first pure attempt at combining my awareness of mystic law into my art form. It is in the editing process, that I also threw it completely to the wind in order to expose deeper meanings upon the artifices of juxtaposition, split-screen and editorial transitions.
The visual metaphors aligned all in synchrony upon the editing timeline. It became not only an adventure in cinema-verité, but an exercise in truly empirical experimentation as I asked, what happens when documentary filmmaking combines visual narrative with non-staged events captured solely upon fate and chance? By leaving this vignette as a silent narrative, I hoped to allow the audience more power over the chance of their own reflected discovery.
About how this “Public Service Announcement From the Universe” relates to the theme:
Submitted in the nick of time, as always. I recorded this vignette in one day at the beach with an intention to, for the first time, rely on the Universe to reveal an organic Public Service Announcement in my landscape. My camera ran out of battery upon completion of the last shot.
All elements in this video are unplanned, raw roughage of life’s corrugated chances, strung together on my trust alone that a story would emerge from otherwise, mundane Venice beach footage. It was the moment upon giving up on this intention that I suddenly heard the sound of the seagull’s impact. I reflexively recognized the pull of fate, pressing record. I found myself immersed in the cogs of a delicate reflection after the seagull fell, witnessing the thematic patterns begin to form around me concerning my own conscious awareness, and that of the collective in response to the event itself. As an artist, I stepped over my fear of disrespect as an observer to highlight the beauty of this profound pattern by leaving the production as close to reality as it was recorded.
Find Katherine here: poemgrenade.com