Rebecca Efstathiou – Synchronicity papers

2 minute read


I’m Rebecca Efstathiou, a visual artist, born in London from Cypriot parents and I live in Cyprus since 1997. I have studied Fine Art at Nottingham Trent University. I mainly paint, even though lately I am ‘venturing’ in different forms of art and I do it out of an inner need for expression and sanity.

What is your relationship with chance / synchronicity?
Synchronicity has become more intense in my life since 2015. I started noticing synchronicity numbers too often when I looked at my phone’s clock.
So I have been making observations and having read Jung’s experiment with Pauli on synchronicity I also agree that for Synchronicity to happen it always needs action… with me happens when ever I make a certain decision or take action from the heart, I see synchronicity numbers on my phone that I Interpret as the universe agreeing with me.

What’s the links between synchronicity and creativity?

I started to use a more controlled mindful approach to the brush mark for my paintings and a free approach for my paper works living the subconscious to work. I work on separate pieces of paper that later two are matched to form a diptych. This is where my interest lies, in the relationship that two separate entities can match and or complement each other as one and synchronize.

I have mentioned earlier that I am ‘venturing’ in different areas of art. In June I have participated in a residency with the ‘Perceiving Academy’ along with a few other artists where we looked at various city systems and eventually produced a Sound Map on vinyl, of the center of the divided capital of Cyprus, Nicosia. The record will be released in October. 

What amazed me was a synchronicity event that occurred during the residency. Just before the residency I was working on ideas and sketches for my participation in an open call, but due to certain circumstances was unfortunately unable to.

At the residency and when we were closing in at our final performance, we were randomly allocated to our space where we would do our sound map performance. I was given a street in the Turkish occupied area of Nicosia and in that street was the Court of law as well as a monument, a very high pillar with a concrete ball at the top of it.

The theme I was working on for the previous project was the word ‘TRUTH’ and when I saw the courts of law I felt and I knew that this was no coincidence… But what really took me by surprise and was left shocked is when I looked back at my sketches for the open call and I saw that I drew a pillar and a ball just like the monument with the only difference being the word ‘truth’ written on the ball.

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